Service Portfolio

Anyone can make claims, but our track record of portfolio management speaks for itself.


We have a broad industry experience that positions us for helping you.

  • Manufacturing
  • Retail
  • Business Process Automation
  • Banking / Legal



We have directly managed more than 120 full time staff members. 

  • Network / System Engineers
  • Help Desk, Interns
  • Database Administrators
  • Project Managers




CapEx, OpEx, or Human Capital - your budget is in good hands.

  • 50 Million in lifetime CapEx
  • 23 Million in lifetime Manpower
  • 113 Million in lifetime SaaS, IaaS, Consulting, and Cloud





We have directly controlled all size and types of facilities

  • 30 Data centers owned, leased, operated, rented, or built
  • 800+ Facilities
  • 30+ Cloud / SaaS / IaaS / Outsourced Providers




Companies run on infrastructure and we have managed plenty of it.

  • 4,000+ Servers
  • 1,800+ Networks
  • 32,000+ Clients and Employees
  • 12,000+ Desktops, Laptops, Printers, Peripherals


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© Intrepid Technologies, 2017