Core Practice  Expertise

  • Fractional CIO
  • Crisis Management
  • Operational Stabilization
  • Technology Road-mapping
  • Break-Point Analysis
  • Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery


Our Process


Intrepid's team works to understand your unique business need.  No two businesses are the same. You have unique and challenging requirements. Intrepid allows you to focus on your business outcomes and not technology execution.


The technology ecosystem changes constantly, but a strategy for managing both the technology and the pace of change will keep your systems and software working for you when you need them most.


A plan for your technology builds on your strategy, setting priorities, timelines, and budgets to ensure you are prepared for the inevitable changes that will impact the technology in your business. 


Understanding, forming a strategy, and building a plan all feed into execution. The proper design, purchasing, installation, and management of your technology and technology team is key to the value proposition of technology in your business plan.

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© Intrepid Technologies, 2017